Nothing in particular.

April 29, 2010 § 13 Comments

So my exams are a few days away. Nice. Finally! After that, I do not intend to do anything(academic) for the next 6 months at least ,As my sis would put it “oh! the joy of it”. Me being me I would say, ” Finally! I am free…*laugh loudly* ” and then 5 mins later wonder what I should do, half an hour later get frustrated and 5 hrs later  start dreaming of things far beyond me. (Lame?)

I have a huge bucket list and of course inevitably a want list. For all my philosophical accents and poetic penchant, I love spending money and buying expensive stuff(though preferably not with my pocket-money). Well  I sound more and more like a cost center( be happy that I don’t like Tax and auditing much, or you might be yawning by now),but I also have a few ideas which I want to build upon, which may create more inflows than outflows. And hopefully my latent talents haven’t depreciated due to excessive taxing  and repeated auditing thanks to the various laws and standards 😛

Now, surely the last sentence shows that I am studying-like never before. Brain drain, I call it. All those free cells, which were waiting to be filled with wonderous stuff are now filled with desiccated provisions and stupendous standards. I am planning to take time out and forget all those stuff. It won’t make any difference anyway.

My phone bills have hit new highs. I talked for something around 1500 Rs on the mobile and 700 Rs on the landline 😛 (that’s what happens when you choose the wrong plans). I am obsessed with talking, clearly. But you can’t really blame me. All this studying gets on my nerves. But then when in Chennai do what the padips(nerds) do.

Twitter is addictive. This proves that I am in love with it! I am tempted to post a few tweets here, but I shall refrain, because inevitably most of you follow me there anyway 🙂 There are a couple of new blogging tools which I have added to my poetry blog, they deserve posts on their own and I shall try to do justice to them.

I wanted to write about the whole Tharoor-Modi thing, but then didn’t because I was studying. Actually studying is the perfect reason to give for anything and everything. And when I get bored, I tweet/read tweets and follow links to new places. I should to take the effort to compile all that I read and post it here. maybe I should join Stumbleupon or something?

boooooorrrrrreeeeedddd!! on Twitpic

When I get bored, I draw in my mobile. Advantage of having a touch 😛 Height of joblessness? Maybe.

Guess, I should get back to studying now. I told my sister to write a couple of reviews, but she is busy being lazy. This blog needs a few reviews to get the daily hits back on the right side of 100. But then, it has gone through this before and been in worse situations, so it doesn’t mind it.

Oh! and I need 3 more for 250 followers on twitter, so 😉

P.S:- No P.S this time 😛

Devil’s eyes?(k actually the title should be whatever. Whatever read on)

March 4, 2010 § 14 Comments

From singapore

-Whatever. I wanted to post something. I have a tag pending. I want to do it, but well guess am not in the mood/my cold is irritating me.

-Ha but the title, now why is that we always associate scary eyes with the devil? I like people with cat eyes and such.

-Follow me twitter.

-Going to Trichy tomorrow, be back on Saturday.

-I am studying more, these days.

-A gentle reminder, this is my poetry blog.

– Wait there is something behind you, what is that?

-Hockey has just be replaced my “Breaking News” as the national sport.

-The IPL becomes the film with the biggest budget till date.

-Haven’t played my violin in a long time.

-My English has started to depreciate.

– So this fellow thinks he is thondiraja. Sorry dude. That’s me. Even though I am not fat.

-Why are people so short?

-Why can’t people drive properly?

-You find this way easier to read and comment right?

-There are more women/girls who read and comment in blog, then men. Fact or fiction?

-I want to act in a movie.

-The ultimate solution to India-Pak problems- have a tweet up.

– Bye.

-Good night.

-Sleep dreams.

-Oh! wait, you are reading this in your office?

-Tell your boss, you googled a Client’s name and the above photo popped up as a result.

-If he doesn’t believe it, send him an African Lottery scam mail.

-Oh! btw I love this song. What does it mean? Deepika looks good in the movie, should watch it.


P.S:- No no this is not Vimmuuu or his cousin.

Republic Day

January 26, 2010 § 7 Comments

I know, I know, I am about 23 hours late to post it. But I had to think, contemplate about what to post.

Should I post my million smileys and a few patriotic videos? Should I represent the two-sided development story. Should I talk about poverty, farmer suicides and buffer stocks? Should I talk about freedom and people power or should I talk about how human rights problems exist.

Should I talk about our wonderful history and the unity or should I talk about communalism, racism, sectarianism and hatred for each other? Should I talk about the Indian cricket team or about the state of hockey? Should I talk about the tigers or about cows and dogs? Should I talk about terrorism or the BPO story? Should I talk about our wonderful culture or about the pseudo-culturalists who don’t understand even as much as I do?

Should I talk about our democracy or about corruption? Should I talk about the wonders of our media or about the underground world? Should I talk about the men and women who protect the country or about those who wear white clothes and launder black money?

I can, we can talk about all that and much more. That’s what defines India.

India- a name which inspires,
a name which nationalizes,
a name which dominates,
a name which Induces,
the symbol of alacrity,
a name which we salute
and which we will unmute,
through our flute,
the power of youth.

Symbolism synchronising dances,
The cheerful voices with faith,
All in respect of the omni present.
Like the lotus blooming at the sun,
Every heart sensing the riches and love
Of our evergreen culture. The will
To work at the highest zenith, powered
By the songs of everness; to protect
Her, the daring protectors; to connect
The super natural to the mortals, the
Men of prayers; to richen her wealth
The sellers; welcome aliens to the
Land of nirvana and peace.
Giving’s personification, the power of will,
Theories existing’s discovery minds.
Harnessing the universe, building life,
Creator’s homeland, the lap of luxury,
A man’s dream place of birth.
The power of unknown’s life
Enfolded in you, pride of our Mother, India
Bharata gauravaya namaha.

A nation is made of people,
and as the pillars of a nation,
we need to first indulge in contemplation,
once done,
our true progress will begin.
So let us join hands
and cause the change,
let us walk together,
to make our nation and world better.

I love my country,
no i can’t hide.
It is so lovely and divine.
i am proud to an Indian
a true gift for all life.
It is too sweet and
nice-i feel child like.
I love all in it and all
with it.Name of centuries
imbibed in one-it is
my mother land-


confused? crazy? :|

January 10, 2010 § 5 Comments

Well I  seem to be getting confused about a lot of things of late. One moment of inspiration seems to have caused new twists and turns inside my head and am trying to sort them out.

There is nothing fun about this. Usually when I get confused, I look for sense, by defining myself in new “ways”(and discover something new about myself). But some how this time, I seem to be looking for a discovery, which means, for sure, that I am over looking something(discoveries are always accidental, I guess).

I wrote about four drafts, but felt they weren’t worth publishing(still trying to figure out why), but at least they are there, saved as drafts, four among scores. I guess sometimes it is better to be candid, but then when you are confused about what you want to be candid about, then you are seriously confused(like this sentence?).

And all this confusion is driving me crazy. Messaging random people on friends’ mobile(using their mobiles 😛 ), inventing new words(and found out that people are stupid enough to buy it :P), well at least a word- folligo(what does it mean?), arguing about anything and everything, telling everyone I need a girl friend/ I am in love with someone(go figure :P), hating everything and then thinking about it and deciding I don’t hate it after all etc.

Well I can tell you all one thing- be careful of this bug. It will make you feel horrendously low at one moment and the next  moment, you will be on top of the world. It’s fun for a while, but this too irritating(more for my friends than me I guess 😛 ). Well I am thankful that people around me can handle this madness, they surely deserve an ode(did I tell you, I had the sudden whim, to write a new play and claim it is a rare work of Shakespeare? ).

But odes can wait, till my sanity is analysed by my saner side and it decides to confront this new bug with hard-hitting questions and definitive answers(my saner side is still on a holiday, I guess). But one thing is for sure, I am not an odd one out, many seem to be affected by it, maybe they can control the bug and let it have its say whenever they see it fit, but since usually the mean(the mathematical thing) escapes me and the extremes haunt me, I need to decide about this bug, i.e. if I should keep it or kill it .

And when have you seen me write posts like this? This sums it up, I guess. Or maybe it is just the effect of reading Rushdie. Ha well. Anyway, before you run away, thanks to the bug, since I am too lazy to choose photos(783 in all, so 😛 ) , here is how I welcomed new year 😛

Just bare with the inital parts, the end is good, I guess 😛

P.S:- WP spell check, has underlined “four” and suggests “for” is what I must have been thinking about, er…did I miss spell 4? “|

P.P.S:- And I thought it was only me-until I understood what those colourful updates on fb were 😐 Madness.

My little sister’s project on Mughals :)

August 6, 2009 § 23 Comments

Yup thats my sister and her friends 😛 They did this for a computer science project 🙂 (after making me download a software called Photostory { ya microsoft does have a few free software!} ) .

” Laziness is the mother of invention” , so mom feels because :-

Got them to speak through the speaker mode on the phone from their houses.

Click here to read her entry and comment on it 🙂

HA if only I was that innovative 😛 The maximum I have done till date is to assemble a project in under 15 mins( took print outs of the material and pics , told people to bring charts , sketches etc and assembled in school 😛 – I do miss those things 😦 )

And ya do comment on her blog ( ya ya she finally has decided it is high time she starts writing over there diligently 🙂 )

P.S:-Krithu I know you don’t like me to call you little , but come on kiddo , you are only in seventh!!

Healing the world

July 7, 2009 § 18 Comments

Of everything MJ has “given” , this song is the best . I am not a huge fan of the king , but everytime I listen to this song , I think the man was from somewhere else .

Of late I have been left to wonder , is there a better a way out of everything ?  At this moment everything in this universe is in action . Dead , live , living , nonliving or anything and everything is in action . Who is responsible for all these actions ?

We are- each and everyone in this world is , at least for our own. We respond , we react , we emote , we shout , we cry , we hurt others , we feel the pain when we are hurt .

Yet some how if we could see beyond all that , if for one moment we understand that we can be better than all that – ha but that sounds too utopian . If we all were like that there might be no life or everything else in it . Maybe this the choice we make – this is the destiny we choose .

Maybe in today’s world, we took this path, but that doesn’t mean the future needs to follow our way. If we can stop being so violent , if can forget our ego when we see someone above us so that they don’t need to use their ego in turn ;If we can appreciate those below us and help them when they respect us and when our help can make them better,so that not only them but also we get the pleasure of betterment.

We have reached a point in history , where religion and war need to be understood. We need to understand that fear and guilt are the vicious things which keep us bound to the abyss. Creation and destruction are part of nature and that which we need to destroy is our need for vengeance.

We cannot be without competing but we can see our opponent as we see ourselves. We can judge a person the same way we would judge ourselves. Equality is not where every person gets the same , it is where every person has the chance to get to the same .

We can heal the world for after all everything is

one soul,
one life,
one earth,
one mind,
one heart,
one kind,
one need,
one suffering,
one wish,
one LOVE.

And we can reach peace for after all what is peace?

To reach peace,
we need thought and action.
To achieve peace,
we need calm and meditation.
To understand peace,
we need war and destruction.
To perceive peace,
we need acceptance and rebellion.
To feel peace,
we need self and soul.
To know peace,
we need success and failure.
To become peace,
we need nothing- peace,
for peace is nothing but
you,when everything else is gone.

Krishna nee begane – Colonial Cousins

April 30, 2009 § 10 Comments

The other day I went to a drama called chocolate Krishna by ‘Crazy’ Mohan ( his troupe is one of the most famous here) . And in the drama , a snippet of this song was played . And bingo like any good old 21st century city kid , came back and youtubed the song . I know we had this song cassette when I was about 6 or 7 as I remember losing it in the tourist taxi while returning from Thirupati after my upanayanam(the sacred thread ceremony , the name is right , right?) ..

So now that I am out of my lazy phase(ya too laxy to copy and paste a link) here is the song..



All I can say is that people realize that it is not worth fighting . 


P.S:- check out this post on Paulo’s blog .

The smiley tag

March 4, 2009 § 28 Comments

🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

So,this is it.This is my very own tag…after all I am the…smiley man 😀

The objective:- To make people smile.When you saw the smiles above ,I am sure you started smiling too.That is the whole idea of this tag,to make others smile/laugh. I don’t need to tell you all about the good effects of a smile,but a smile always helps you get out of lows and makes you feel great.So this tag shall spread the smile,in all the blogs.At least this way for once all the blogs shall be smiling and looking bright and happy at the same time.Let us for one post forget all the nonsense in the world and just spread the smile.


On my face I have a smile,
IT is a sign of the joy of being alive.
A smile upon my face,
And at it you gaze
and now you have it on your face.

This happiness is life,
Forever we can smile,
Never let sadness become ripe,
Put a smile upon your face,
And grace through the days,
Gloom is all haste and waste,
Never let the smile run away,
Today is happiness’ day.

On my face I have a smile,
IT is a sign of the joy of being alive.
A smile upon my face,
And at it you gaze
and now you have it on your face.


So all you have to do is post some funny pics/write something which will make people smile and/or laugh. And ya you have to begin the post with a line of smileys like how I have done 😀 

So before I do my post,let me tag :-

Reema(yes mam,I will study!)

Chirag( looking for some nice smileys 😀 ) 

Solilo ( a humorous soliloquay? ) 

Nimmy(someone provoke us to smile now 😀 )

Apar( give us a ROFL in the headtrip!)

Nita( A research on smileys/smile? ) 

Sakhi( A funny story?) 

Destination Infinity( Infinite laughter maybe?) 

Anshul(better do a cartoon 😀 ) 

Dinesh( ya 18000 RPM please) 

Indyeah (yeah!)

Kritajnya( go sis!)

-Anyone else who wants to do this.

Well all those of you who are tagged,pass this on(that is why I am stopping with 12 people).

Anyway to my post…

oh come on I leave it to Calvin..

Anyway spread the smile 🙂 And my school moto


From photoshopped

A visit to Chennai sangamam

January 14, 2009 § 11 Comments

First of all,Thank you all for your support.I have opened a question in the wordpress Forum here. Thanks all of you who have commented in that fellow’s blog.

Since today is Pongal,I want to write something good.Yesterday night,I went to the Chennai Sangamam. It aims to bring folk art in Tamil Nadu,to the limelight.

Yesterday all roads lead to Venkatanarayana Road,a key road in the city.The traffic was diverted and the artists took to the street.It got to see Poikal Goodurai,Fire blowers,Seelamatham,gymnastics and a lot of other dances.I also had dinner there-Kothu barotha and veg koorma.Five star hotels have set up stalls too,but by the time we made it to them,they were out of stock.

My camera is broken,so had to make do with my 2 MP,no flash,mobile camera.I managed to take a couple of videos as well.So here are the pics and slideshows.For more about this sangamam,see their site-
The videos first:-



Click to go to the album.


the event sure is a success.Had lots of fun and saw a lots of things 🙂

Are Israel’s air stikes right?

December 29, 2008 § 15 Comments

We all condemned the Mumbai terror attacks,but funnily enough,no one in the known blogosphere,has had anything to say about Israel’s air strikes on the Gaza strip.

Just because a few militants launch bombs,is it right to bomb a whole city? Here is some info on the whole issue(it does not include the recent air strikes).

The conditions of people living there,is bad and the people responsible for the attacks are those who do not have the support of the people.And the best part is,none   only few,very few of the people responsible for the rockets were killed.Till now about 307 people have been killed,including children.

As the world celebrated Christmas,those living in Gaza received a terrible gift.

Of course,it was wrong to launch rockets by the militants,but why hurt children and civilians ?Who is the bigger terrorist here? And what does the world do except condemn the attacks? Already the place has no food or proper medical facilities and how are they to handle so many injured and dead? 

This isn’t a war,this is just a brutish crime.This is legal terrorism.But what can we do about it? A few unscrupulous minds act to some baseless virtue and their decisions endanger the people.The UN again seems to be no where.

I do wonder what a child who lost his/her parents in this bombing will do,when he/she grows up? Who can stop the tyrants of war? Is there any democracy in the global village? Does it matter which street you live on? 

This article,sums up what is really happening.

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