December 8, 2009 § 19 Comments

Well I have decided to try something new- my first podcast 🙂 I guess I do hesitate here and there, maybe because I was sort of nervous, so do forgive me 🙂 And yes any grammatical inaccuracies is also because I was sort of nervous 🙂

If the audio doesn’t load CLICK HERE.

I know I used the words absurd, stupid etc too many times. This is just my view, or what I could make out of what is happening. If you think I am wrong correct me,  I am ready to learn more. Do share whatever links/sites/articles more on this topic.  I am willing want to understand what is happening, in a better manner, so do tell me what you think?

Hullaballoo in the country

March 22, 2009 § 14 Comments

We love our country and there can be no doubt about our nationalism , in fact in the concrete jungle you and me live in,we love it so much,that all we do is take those vagabonds of democracy as a daily factor. Why wouldn’t it be? After all we are more bothered about “soft-ware”  and our OS,but when a Virus does infect we might realize it is time to get a good anti-virus.Anyway these are the things which had their two paise of thought-value, i.e. which caused the proponent , paradigm persuader in me to surface during my exams.

-I can vouch for my city. Those on two wheels have no sense.In a jam packed traffic jam,you can find these heroes “fly” much like their namesakes in ads and block the opposite lanes ; Maybe their logic is based on the sumptuous ideology of “equality” which very few people understand anyway. Oh! and to add to that,how about this,they try to ape the anorexic curves of their revered feminine leads by meandering around cars and buses, causing the drivers of those  to brake over and over again, will the traffic move? You know all it takes to get your lisence,is five hundred rupees.

And I should add ,they don’t have any respect for such things as  “one ways” , ” no U turns” etc etc.And our famous Auto drivers,well they are from another planet, Chennai is not complete without them and their “Madras Tamil”.

So I started of with something not important at all. And you can’t blame me.There is so much happening around,that you fail to realize that this is one country.

-In a porous and beguile corner of the country, a politican  went about haranguing his affiliation to 80% of the population. And with all sincere sinistral anti-secular chauvinism he raved about the power at his disposal. He is standing for elections you see and the likes of Hitler came to power after such critical acclimation isn’t it?  He is a victim according to his own palpable pride ,whether he is  or not, the election commission cannot do anything about it,they can’t ban him,even he was,what would be the difference? Remember the ban on smoking? 

-Apparently we live in a country,where seats are fought for. A political music chairs ensued and every party and every member wants a chair,they all are running literally, fueled by the Omnipresent media and their bulletin tunes . Personally I would like to see Congress in power,mainly because the “others” seem to be too…,too….well fill it up. And well a politician should be a called a politician.

-And talking about election the nation is all jagoore and 49-O . No I am not trying to say don’t use it,but you are using it to what purpose? Who cares about your vote? Come on ,you have a television set,they have IPL for you,live from England or SA ,go watch that,a convenient agreement.

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-Yup they call it the Indian Premier League. And rightly so,we send it to the isle this year,the isle from where it came.The sad thing of course is that,they would be competing with football.I know a few who are members of fan clubs ,now there goes your money,go fight like those people on MTV shows for your money back. And I don’t like cricket anyway. Taking in the fact that the football season is at its tail end,people would care more about their football teams than the cricket ones ( Arsenal shall win the FA and the champions league I tell you!)

-There was a spectacle over a pair of old spectacles. Apparently that particular pair will cure all addicts of their alcoholism and proliferate down to the prop-a-ganged masses and make the cities all clean and white. I think they would erect the statue of the father of communal-ism here(who ever he is) and also the patron of corruption,surely we are sinners if we don’t? 

There is of course a lot more,when I say lot,hell of a lot more. But then NEWS now days,is really fast that,even terrorists are finding to get their full fifteen minutes of fame. And all this makes me wonder,what is this reality? I maybe an Idealist(my next post is about that) but I am sure who knows the reality. This person seems to be( do read the blog,amazing stuff).

We of course had the horrorscope and the stamp scam stamped away. An update on something more closer to home,YU! has woken up at last ,do participate.

And now I will go back to questioning myself about my blog’s ever depreciating authority,if only this was a Vols it would ” depreciation for now,Appreciation forever”(or something like that,I like that ad).

P.S: Thankfully I used the spell check.It seems in the past two weeks,my spellings have taken a new induction to the retro me.

P.P.S:- This is my attempt to improve i.e., keep it short and be more gracious in using punch-u-nations.

49-0,Chinese double sim and unity in diversity(cartoons)

March 17, 2009 § 9 Comments

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drunken 2.0 addict,board exams,womens day sales and how not to(cartoons)

March 9, 2009 § 13 Comments

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queen of cards,chelsea manager,orange-green and thinking cap-cartoons

February 10, 2009 § 14 Comments



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Don’t these two colours look good together?

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violent enlightenment,peace for sale and the cartoonist(cartoons)

February 2, 2009 § 14 Comments

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P.S:-The last one is in response to this 😉 


Democracy,majority, India and the world

January 23, 2009 § 16 Comments


Its no more Barack H Obama,it is president Barack H Obama. So there we have it,like everyone else around the world,I too was glued to the T.V. ,as arguably the world’s most powerful office was taken over by a man who promises much.And as a prelude to what we might expect, he stopped a trail in Guantanmo Bay and is all set to close it.

Solilo rasied a few interesting points about our democracy and this was my comment:-


I like this post,my view about our country is simple
-our constitution is the third epic we have given to the world,after mahabaratha and ramayana.
-democracy is the biggest hypocrisy.Not that I am communist either,in fact democracy seems better of the two devils.The fact is only we “educated” people bother about all this,for the farmer,if he gets free T.V,he doesn’t realize he has to pay more bribes,or maybe they are used to it,like we are paying to cops etc..
-having a single person seems more dangerous,see what Bush did..
-whats the solution now? proper democracy? ya right and how are we ever going to bring out fair play? maybe give a fair play award,like FIFA does in every world cup..simple the cup would be sold..

I know I sound rather cynical and pessimistic,but then seriously we need people who are dedicated.The talk about how we were united during freedom struggle is all fine,we knew the face of the “enemy” but now we don’t.Not just as a state,but as the “global village”.


So continuing from where i left,I have never really thought of democracy as what Mr.Lincoln said -of the people,by the people,for the people. 

Basically “people ” here would mean the majority. Now how do we know that the majority is right? If majority is always right,then how did we end up with a Bush? And it was funny seeing Americans themselves almost booing Bush. So is majority always right? 

There is a saying in Tamil “Makal theeirpa makesan theeirpa” or “the people’s judgement,is God’s judgement”.I am sure there is a saying to that effect in every language. But past the romanticism of such sayings,throughout history we have seen people’s judgement as a society, not being “sane” shall we say.

The fact remains that society is a summation of individuals.Now most individuals are gullible(not enough integrity,I would say,Et tu Brute?),so if one person can harangue their belief to the masses,something like Antony did,then we are left with a judgement of one person .Without trying to digress into the merits of Brutus’ actions(after all under the statue it was,right?) ,what we do know,is that the crowd is always willing to jump on to boat with more gold.Nothing is more emphatic than bribing people for votes.

There are so many things,which we have to accept as a part of society,de reguiuer more than anything else. Yet we teach kids(I am  still  a kid) to be truthful,be honest etc, the most blasphemous thing about it is blackmail( it is blackmail ) -“God will poke your eye.” As a kid,growing up,I thought for a long time,adults as those who have values,kids are the ones who are frivolous as they don’t get the seriousness of life(blah blah blah{my am I falling in love with BODMAS?}) and when I did realize that adults are the ones who really a rope around the foot,it was some sort of revelation.

Majority isn’t always right. It seems a very mean conclusion to arrive at,particularly seeing the things majority dream about. For all the talk of majority wins, it actually took a single individual to get us (allegedly) independence.Yes,there were a lot of others,but they all were (to eulogize)a force,yet not too big enough. While Munna Bhai might be standing elections and making a few promiscuous statement about family names, we are still voting for the better devil.

And devils being devils ,have a set formula. Say you get this and that.Unity or communalism ,democracy or the thumb rule. The manifesto the “leaders” deliver,seems to be a mirror,they reflect what the people want to hear,yet they are painted behind.We are a nation which dreams about unity,about a social equity,yet it is easier for a criminal to hold a seat,in the highest house,while for others to hold on to their houses seems difficult.

The majority of us,don’t want wars or torture.Now try telling that to Taliban or Israel ? Are we trying to sell something here,which no one will buy? Or should we coat it with oil or stud with diamonds which they anyway have? 

Questioning the human standard of “goodness” is what all we “good” people do.Yet beyond the first question,we have never travelled,now I do wonder,if we “good” were to choose a leader who would it be?

There is the concept of “mixing it” in football.Where in you just don’t play pretty passing game,you put in a few hard tackles and may be even break a couple of foot.But aren’t we supposed to be breaking the foot of the common enemy? Now the common enemy team,lets say are these :-

Terrorism:-Well my views are very clear about terrorism

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Politicians and their divide and rule policy:-

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I am tempted to add religion but abstained(immaculate) from it.Mainly because,it is the root.I don’t consider it as a social problem,it is something far wider,it is in the mind,a psychological problem,no one would ever in the name of God or in the name of not believing(we are a nation of Hindus,Muslims,Christians,Sikhs,Parsis, Buddhists and non-believers )in it commit atrocities which violate every sense of pride an animal has.

So these evils we need to throw a few hard tackles at.Yet what is the problem? It is their method for one thing(fire for fire maybe?) and we are too humane to consider hurting them.And end of the day,we are happy to live our lives(nothing wrong in that,only thing we might get affected someday ).

The only reason why Israel bombs Gaza is because Gaza has no nuclear weapons,same thing with Iraq and Afghanistan,now why then Afghanistan’s neighbor not bombed? Simple,even though they brew the Taliban mix,they have nuclear bombs, Blackmail. So where is freedom and democracy ?

I am not far from the truth,when I say,equity is still a dream and will always be a dream for the society.The more globalised we become,the more we would tend to discriminate:-

A good example are the reservation policies, it is not about each one according to your worth,oh! no it is all about which caste you belong to! And oh! whats the preamble again?

WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure to all its citizens:

JUSTICE, social, economic and political;
LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship;
EQUALITY of status and of opportunity;
and to promote among them all
FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation;


Hypocrisy ? Good enough,isn’t it.Well it is an epic as I said. We  find the government doing work against all this.But what I should appreciate is that if I were in a communist country I would not even be allowed to write this. So much for my two paise of freedom. I live in a large Metro and one of the country’s safest,I have no clue of communal violence except what I read and see on T.V. I will proudly say,my city is one in which communal violence will not boil out.

So back to the whole issue of majority.When the parties try to sell positions in the country,how far are we from the old situation?What are the virtues and what are the vices? The ban against Smoking,hasn;t gone anywhere. Nor has U.N. done anything great about human rights situation(OMG! UN? WHATS THAT?) in many countries.



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The leaders and whom so ever it is gain power,thanks to support.So as a society we need to do something( not watch NDTV and send SMSes and comments). Whatever system arises,there will be some problems which arise,as the aces dealt are equal(wow! something is fair!) to all.The fiends ,will grow along,but we need to grow faster than them.We need to evolve into something they can’t catch.And at doing all this,we need to do it in a way,which our “inner voice” will agree. When we choose someone,we need to know what they do.Maybe instead of the budget,the government should publish the cash flow for each project it undertakes.Maybe,we educated need to stand up and take control. In times when we are moving into the age of intelligence, a person who is still stuck with medieval ideas can do no good. And without pointing fingers,what we will have to do is,take up the onus and try to initiate a change. 

And to change, it is the children(nurture) whom we can start it with.The terrorists have learned it well.We should make sure,that the poor kids learn values which do the world good. We need to stop war,as all it does is cause more anger,when an action is so sever ,what about the reaction? We need people with the same standards.

President Obama seems to be the person, but I am not that sure others are going to cooperate. 

Lets hope for the best.

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Bribery-you need to even if you don’t have a blackberry

January 5, 2009 § 14 Comments

A sudden humourous has struck me.I suddenly seem to have got the bubble blowing bubby tumor.It can’t get any worse than telling a science group student,a few minutes before their physics exam,”stop studying about current,you may get a shock.” Well why not make most of what you have?Complaining is not going to get me the publicity-no interviews on headlines today or for that matter even on IBN-LIVE.

As I inch towards my 650 posts mark,one of the topics which my cartoons haven’t embraced yet,has struck me.Of course,being a extermly “good” person and since I welcome a lot of bad humour from people around me during exams,as I act like an pucca shaib from the times when a peon managed to have fun in our country( Ya I mean Clive,Robert Clive) and not allow them to copy from me,corruption is bad water,more worse than water from any of the colourful rivers in our country.Whether everyone in the country can afford a Blackberry or not,it is essential to be able to afford bribery.

Wonderful,no one can ever destory corruption or bribery,as long as people want to fulfill their wants without doing any work.From the watchmen in hotels to the top people in government offices,everyone wants onething-more money.And all the while,we all claim to be a very religiously sensitive country.I do wonder when a godman named Corruption Baba is going to appear.Why do it under the table,as they call it?No justification,as we say in Tamil,anyway “Namamthan podapuran”(anyway they are going to cheat us,er..namam is the U shaped thing which we brahmins wear on our forehead,don’t know whats it called in English).

So before this post becomes longer than a Saree from one of the silk centers in our country(lest,I inspire them to kill more worms),let us get to the cartoons..

Inspiration from this post at Nita’s blog.

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An award and best of 2008

January 3, 2009 § 14 Comments

Seems like I am stuck in ’08.But after all,it was the year when I moved to wordpress and started YU! .Before I start seeing towards the top left corner,I got another award 🙂 

This one is from Hiphopgmom.


Google translator tells me that it means , ” darts award”.I haven’t played darts in a long time,anyway,I pass this on to,

Chirag:-He uses a lot of bullets in his posts 🙂 

Destination Infinity– You can pass this on to infinite people 🙂 

Lakshmi:-She darts around the country,taking photos and finding out about places.

Kapil:- His blog is called Whispering Shadows :)And  it has turned two,my birthday gift 🙂 

Leafless:- Another blog which not many people are aware of.Poetry and arts 🙂

So now that the awards ceremony is over and you all have applauded ,it is time to find the best of 2008.I mean the best of my poems.

So here is the link to all my poems ,which is your favorite?

And yes also pick your fav cartoon from here and your fav sketch(if you liked any of them) from the page my skecthes 1-5. 🙂 

Or if you didn’t like any of the posts from the above catogories,tell me which was your favorite 🙂 

Thanks for helping me do this,I shall add a new page called best of ’08 🙂 (if all of you take part in it).

Human rights day ,swiss accounts and moon gold(cartoons)

December 10, 2008 § 7 Comments

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