A dead leaf

September 1, 2009 § 23 Comments

He held the dead leaf in his hand. Fallen from its plant, it was left to rot and fuel its own origin.

Or it could be picked by a wind. It can fly away from here, it can sail to the lands the winds choose and finally i might settle in a land of paradise, forever in a new joy or..

..or it might end up in a land as dead as itself. It will then stay there, till something swallows it or lifts it again. But one which is dead?
Dead and free?

When it was alive, it was bound to its plant. It nourished it like its brethren , it was one among all, acting like how all expect it to. But is this what a passing eye feels but never the one held? Maybe it is held thus, because it chooses to?

But doesn’t one dream of the birds in the sky, at least when one is young and can race the clouds? Is it that dreams are meant to be dreamt but never sought in life? Is it just, is it fair to just die? Is this how frail all this is?

Is this a continuum, where the memories are buried and memoirs forgotten, sooner or later?

We strive for living, we fight for survival, we work together, we rebel, there are new beginnings , there are old endings, a fresh burst of air here, more heat there, one for all, all for one, will it be in the end, that we all will come alive, like actors talking a bow as themselves and being applauded for the parts we played?

Is this all a fantasy, these endless possibilities? Is our imagination a tool used to lead us from reality, which might shock the living out of us? What is living, if we are to die a baseless death? But isn’t this what we see and learn? How is this real? Can there be something bigger which we are a part of?

Is it love, that we die for? Is it misery that we live for this long? Do we all wait for the day, when we open our eyes no more? Is it that the quest we go on, offers no more, for the recesses have long outrun the excitement of the path, unbeaten?

Are words capricious fabrications, just to easy the pain of knowing the inevitable ? Is the mind there only to paint a vivid misery when in joy and a blunt happiness when in sorrow? Is the past only to be a seed for a morrow and today a retrospection where we dare to water that seed and tomorrow the day when the leafs do peek again, a visage fresh and innocent that the first brush with the polluted air does font it of earth?

So much for a dead leaf. What beauty can there be in the dead? For once dead all that remains is to rot. But when alive, all that remains is that we die. But when unborn, when a dream, all that remains is to brought alive. Call it optimism, call it human vanity, call it that I try to hide from reality and maybe it is true but I will dream anyway.

I may fail again and again. But I will pick up leaves again and in them see much more than what I need to. It might all be a soothsayer’s words, but at least there is hope of a better morrow. The plant may not remind us of the leaf, but the leaf sure does make you search for a plant.

I believe there are magic flowers, do you? Even if you don’t I do. I can feel them, hear them, see them, one day I will get to them. When I do, I will show them to you, I will not get angry or take pride for how can own that which is already owned, unless it is a meek being or I elude myself by calling it is a gift. When a leaf is plucked another one might grow, but there is more to be given for that to happen.

You can hold water in your palms but can we stop it from evaporating? Only thing left is to put to use while we still hold it.

magicfolwers ;)

Once I had a dream that I was a bird

May 24, 2009 § 21 Comments

From new camera1

Once I had a dream that I was a bird .

The world was below me and the world watched me . I was a crow , who flew over the high horizon of the city . Many saw me as a scavenger but within they all longed for what I could do , roam the skies . Yet there is this urge within which I want to fulfill , which humans have already part done – fly beyond this rushing ether. As I see the moon rise ,even as the sun goes down ( to visit my cousins across the enigmatic sky ) my heart beats with pangs of pain , the suffering caused by the urge , the need to touch the impalpable( that moon and those distant stars) , if only to know that the world is tangible.


From new camera1

I see across the terraces , many with their aims set , they bicker with the certainity of security  . And yet as time wans and nothing but the pale moon night throws shadows about , people become afraid and train their senses to the bright lights of their race’s creation . They never seem to think about the man who thought of those lights . The light shines the brightest , but the light is the substance , the sign but not the source itself . Even as it represents the origin , it is nothing but an extension. Maybe to us crows and birds the light is a sign of a  reflex glory , felt every time it strikes our senses . It shows that one day the divinity within will purge us and start the movement towards the unseen worlds .

Maybe it already has in me . Never have we seen anything but the dawn , followed by the day , succeeded by a dusk and left incomplete by a pensive night , peaceful  with a joyous melancholy . Maybe there is something greater in the universe , where in the trinities of belonging, i.e. instinct , person and thought are the mere stepping stones to  enter into the castes in the skies . Or maybe there is nothing , but I need to see to believe . And sight can be the most prejudiced of all senses , yet at least it garuntees that there is something .

If only we can see beyond the zenith , if only our existence was enriched by thoughts beyond the stars which invite and inspire and reinvent the sense of belonging .

The sound of life woke me . Yet the world spoke to me . The vibrations of my thoughts left me to feel that I was in level with the stars and that which is not truly palpable is the one which is beyond. There is something beyond everything . The truth is the means to an end – yet what is the truth?

The great LOL challenge – update 3

May 19, 2009 § 12 Comments

Thank you for participating in the great LOL challenge 😀 Frankly I didn’t expect this kind of response but thanks to Indyeah (the smiley lady) the response has been something which has put a huge smile upon my face . I presonally have had a great time reading all the posts 🙂 I can surely say it is has been a great success . 

Now the hardest part begins for us . We need to categorize and choose posts for the poll . So while we take the next couple of days(okay , I am a bad liar , lets say it might take anywhere close to 100-150 hours 😆 ) to do all that , there will be a final category for nominations , THE JESTER OF BLOGOSPHERE .  

You can nominate the blog of your choice for this category in the comment section of this post (the comments in the other post is closed) . Oh! well lets make this interesting , the winning  jester will have to do a special show ‘ post ‘ on the topic given by the voters (LOL 😛 want to nominate yourself ? 😉 .

So once again thank you all for participating ! 😀

The great LOL challenge – update 2

May 15, 2009 § 11 Comments

First of all thanks for the great response everyone! Second of all sorry for disappearing , went on an unplanned ‘holiday’ for the last couple of days(and needed that too! 😀 ) So now back with my batteries recharged (and ready to be humoured 😆 ) .

So back to business , seeing the amount of entries we have decided now to extend the deadline to Monday (18th) 21:00 hrs ISD . So all those of you who have been busy/lasy to submit your entires , get going now 😀 

And since by tomorrow by this time our country will have a new P.M. , we are going to allow all those with political wit to have their say ( make sure it is good taste though ) . The only condition on this being , that no old posts are allowed for this ( as I am sure all of you will be writing about it anyway 😉  ) .

For those of you who don’t know yet , submit your links here.

😆 😆 😆 😆 😆

The great LOL challenge

May 1, 2009 § 88 Comments

Well now that the smiley lady is back , we have decided to lauch the blog-o-sphere’s first LOL (laugh out loud) challenge  🙂 . 

😆 😆 😆 😆 😆


So it is time for all you cartoonists , writers , video makers or well anyone  , who has taken to blogging to come out with your best and for the next two weeks make everyone laugh their heads out . After the two weeks we will have a poll to decide who is the best jester around (if we get enough entries , we might even have category wise polling ) . 

😆 😆 😆 😆 😆

The rules:-

1) The jokes should be clean , i.e. No dirty jokes ,no Adult jokes . 
2) Try to make share/make jokes which won’t hurt anyone . Use your sense and judgement .
3) Give links to all copy righted materials you use . 
4)You can share anything you want , just that it should make people laugh . The more you make people laugh , remember more the chance you might get people’s vote . 
5) Originilaity is encouraged . So if you are good at telling jokes , record and post . If you are good at coming up with cartoons , share them!
6) remember to laugh along . 

😆 😆 😆 😆 😆

The time period:–  Now( 14:15 GMT , May 1st) to May 15th(00:00 GMT).

😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 

The phases:-

1) May 1st – 15th . Posting and leaving the link here. 

2) May 15th to May 22nd . Polling.

😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 



So what you waiting for ? Come on let us laugh out our stress , worries and whatever stupid thing life throws at us . For the next two weeks , let blogosphere be a place of happiness 🙂 

And for those of you who aren’t exactly jesters but want to take part , you can try to compose posts using videos / pictures etc which you can find . Remember the only criteria is you should make us laugh and ya rule #3 . 

Come laugh along!


From new camera1

🙂 🙂 😆 😆 😀 😀


April 28, 2009 § 14 Comments

Yup I have concluded the world needs a damn good spanking . Not because I have become older than a million year old fossil or as old as the sea by listening to all the very knowledgeable and very young senior citizens or my lecturers or teachers or whatever in my class but more so  becuase nothing seems to a make sense. Actually I might have become old , maybe that is why I haven’t written anything for so long . It would have been so nice to call this a ‘ come back post ‘ but i didn’t go anywhere. 

Here we are after so many years of Independence and funnily enough no one cares about the thing which the country needs -education . Instead we have a whole bunch of nonsense like people claiming that they can bring back some money stashed away in a Swiss bank . Oh! ya what happened to reservations ? Why hasn’t anyone used that yet? Is it because it is out of fashion ? 

Or maybe we are so screwed , that we are now going to talk about our neighbouring countries . NO I am not saying we should close our eyes , but how cheap is it trying to profit as the cost of someone else ? And while talking about reservations , I think the only people now discriminated are the creamy layer and the  ‘upper castes’ . So how about that thing called equality ? I thought you want to be a super power ?  

Well forget it . . The NEWS channels call it the IPL( they say the Indian political league , I call it Indian Pooruki League ) and well cricket sucks anyway .

People are egoistic . Now this Ego is the screwed up thing which everyone calls ego . No my fine readers I am not becoming a human , though this dust allergy makes me sound like a Egyptian Mummy speaking Malayalam . 

See when did I start ranting ? I want to watch Noddy . Not that I saw it when I was a kid . We used to get only DD then (see I can tell that too , I am old ) . But well if you leave me , I might watch teletubbies right now . And my rant isn’t constrained to this alone , it goes on and on …Infact I didn’t want to write anything , wanted to write something pretty , which will get me  comments such as “you didn’t put a full stop” or “you used too many smileys” , but then I don’t really care . If I haven’t read your blog in a while don’t tell me . It probably has too much of politics . I have read a few damn good posts , not writing about them because don’t feel like giving the links . 

I hope this reveals how lazy I can get . I got that domain for the fun of it . Now  I have 59 subscribers here , hope this increases , because I am damn materialistic and the fact that I can’t have my therapy now (retail therapy) irritates me more . 

So before I start into a mile long rant…TC… nothing funny , if you have read till this better comment . And I am not going to add lots of tags , I am bored . Going to go and watch the clouds.

City of blinding lights?

April 15, 2009 § 22 Comments

First of all thanks for voting for the blogging means freedom design 🙂 The result – 35% of the people liked it . Now I got designing again and decided to do something for the city series . One thing which I learned while trying to do this design was ,  that I needed recogonize more things about the place I live in . I realized that Chennai has lots and lots of landmarks but what the city really is represented by is the beach . 

First I tried to make a sort of collage but then having never bothered to capture a few most of the landmarks , I realized that this wasn’t the way forward . So just played a bit with photoshop and came up this :-

I decided to call this city of blinding lights …well I think I am improving 😛 what do you think?

Ops and almost forgot if you like this , you can vote here – http://www.infectious.com/voting/laptop-skins/visheshunni/the-city-of-blinding-lights/1381

🙂 🙂 🙂 Isn’t this better than the previous one?


Update:- The title is actually name of a song by U2 … see here

Sometimes you just smile

April 14, 2009 § 12 Comments

Sometimes you just smile
And there nothing can hide .
Sometimes you just see 
And the sight sets you free .
From the depth of the sky,
To the height of the seas,
The world is what it is meant to be –
From the jiggle of set chimes,
To the babbled nursery rhymes,
From the chirp of a bird,
To the early morn crimson skirt,
The world is what it is meant to be , 
Always there to set you free.

Touch of nature ,
Touch of humanity,
You do feel , that skies are roamed
And that all you see is owned,
That the breeze from the sea , 
Is meant to push you to see , 
Those trees who do sway far at peace .

In the beget of all rhapsodies,
One in the sky does merge
And within does emerge ,
A world on the verge ,
Of a smile and it does purge
As the smile sets alive.

Sometimes you just smile
And there nothing can hide .
Sometimes you just see
And the sight sets you free.

The light shines the brightest

half past eight

April 13, 2009 § 12 Comments

From new camera1

Sometimes you just smile,

And there nothing can hide .

Sometimes you just see 

And the sight sets you free .


He lay on his bed wondering what is going on around him . Sometimes things just seem too good to be real . Having his phone buzzing , people wanting to talk to him made him feel happy . But some how , he couldn’t stop looking at where he was all those years back . Time is a funny thing . As you grow older , you keep changing . Things which mattered to you a while back don’t . You see your self in the mirror and try to think back ,what you felt when you saw into it a few months back . You smile at how you felt .

He smiled . But some how he couldn’t accept certain things . He wished this was not a dream . Funny how for a person who kept living in his dreams , he wished this was not a dream . What people never understand is that , what is just a remark by a stranger for someone might mean the world to others and that it can hurt . Yet if you ever spoke about how certain things affected you , people become sarcastic and pass more comments . But by now you have learnt so wouldn’t really care about any of it .

Pain seems a burden when it is physical but it is torture when it is mental . He smiled into the mirror again . Ha made a few funny faces at himself and laughed . He turned and jumped about as if he was a kid . That is what is fun , trying to connect to things by trying to feel the world within . The passion with which you try to understand things around you . The innocent tenacity . He started to sing . It didn’t matter to him , that he was a horrible singer , he just enjoyed doing it .

All though time might catch up soon , he knew he could always play with himself , the child within him .It doesn’t matter what walls are erected , it doesn’t matter what they are made up of . What does matter is the fact that you know you can bring them down when you want to ,not because you have to but because you want to…It was half past eight , he left for the party with a big smile. 


Barriers and justice

April 7, 2009 § 13 Comments

Something stood still-
A barrier to his will ;
As if efforts are meant to be laughed at,
And the world lived far away from the facts.

A day would come , someday,
Where all that was not his would fall;
In a sudden breath of brilliance ,
Life would seem high away in the stars.

Until till , everyday and night ,
He dreamt and saw them high;
His morning star ,he waited for,
The time for the inner call.

Till then he lay , his dreams
never dormant , yet for a few moments,
His mind did torment and remind him
Of days , when love scant and fray.

The wall did stand still ,
But he did paint it –
till it does fall finally,
The paint was a coat of sanity.

And as he does see it as just another wall ,
For the world, he is just another brick in the wall*
But nothing else matters*,
Someday*, things will flipside*,

An overture will break it and give him life
And as the first allegro breaks from the largo,
Life then slowly does seem to raise to the Prestissimo ,
And to the ulterior he can move and grow.

What is within is forever,
The spirit, the will of one will never
Fade into the common commotion of noise
But will rather stand out-the voice of the insane poise.

What does matter does lay in wait,
Down the path ,through the fare way
Placed by our own actions and our plays
Which do make , a butterfly ,

The harbinger of the universe’s fate.
A picture is never complete,
For the world never accepts defeat,
For its desire is to seek,

The purpose and raise higher,
To where the rising sun is lower
And the plains and hills of Earth a blur,
Beyond the bright tempting azure.

But it was about him and not the world,
But it is about him and not the world,
But it will be about him and not the world,
A conceited almost nullity,

Yet if not for him , what could be?
And where will be the ability to see
And hear him and his temperament
His staunch vivacity?

The picture is complete,
For finally The artist does paint the eye,
And the work does come alive ,
And the protagonist does abide,

None. For he is born out of a will ,
And until it is fulfilled, he will walk
The land , how ever long it is spanned
And fulfil the thoughts plan.

Independence contingent upon man,
Destiny presupposed , yet a juxtapose
Did did I rise and it did choose,
And so it will never lose.

Man’s work is to break Inability,
To achieve it or not is destiny.
Mortality is lost ,
When sense of reality is found.

The only justice is poetic,
And it is set into a music,
The matrix when one does act,
The feeling we know it for a fact.

The light shines the brightest

*- Name of songs.

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