To I move!

May 25, 2010 § 1 Comment

Yes, so finally it comes true! Personally, this means a lot to me, for it shows a natural transition. I began my journey at blogger, moved to wordpress and now to .

This means I am going to write more-a lot more. Apart from that, I know a lot of people who write well(and make sense), who unfortunately do not have the time to blog. So I intend to publish what they write here, as well.

To read more-click here.

To I move!

May 25, 2010 § 1 Comment

Yes, so finally it comes true! Personally, this means a lot to me, for it shows a natural transition. I began my journey at blogger, moved to wordpress and now to .

This means I am going to write more-a lot more. Apart from that, I know a lot of people who write well(and make sense), who unfortunately do not have the time to blog. So I intend to publish what they write here, as well.

I thank you all, who follow me. You have no clue, how much blogging means to me. And I know, many of you read my posts, even if you don’t comment.

I am trying to forward the feed of to ,any clue how to do it?

Anyway, more from me soon 🙂

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