Am i Thinking too much?

August 29, 2008 § 31 Comments

Since whole of humanity thinks i think too much..Can someone answer me?It is really irritating to hear everyone say that,one person(no not here ,not in blogosphere) went as far as telling me ,”don’t be like this”(actually it was like,” don’t be soooo philosophical”,but well let me take it as thinking here),anyway,i was left wondering how else should i think,so tell me…no i do not assure you i will change or something,forget it 😛 i just want to know,what you think? Am i thinking too much?

saving earth,for what?

July 31, 2008 § 9 Comments

a hundred problems to be solved,
a hundred issues to be resolved.
We need to save ourselves,
we need to understand where survival dwells.

Understanding is created by thinking,
thinking walks faster with understanding.
And through understanding comes action
and through action,redemption.

Shove your hand up and see,
how we have hurt all that was free.
Feel the dust on your bed,
see the avid life,now dead.

We breath an air, polluted,
we walk on grounds cemented.
One day we will can the air,the killer,
and the ground the pyre.

One day the ice all would have melt away,
that one day future will sit around tables and say,
“what a waste our ancestors were,care
they couldn’t ,not even for us,their heir.”

One day we all will see the clouds too hungry,
and with floods we all will be left in poverty.
Then, then we will know,
that all that wasn’t just meant for a T.V. show.

Time has always gone by,
one day,yes we all will die,
but with us let not everything die,
let us leave everything else alive.

Let us remember we don’t own earth,
let us remember we are progeny of earth.
Let us remember that it our decision to make,
we cannot let it go,for our future’s sake.

We need to be sagacious,
we need to stop being precarious.
Think of everything you use,
think how in dearth,you children will muse.

It is our earth ,not yours or mine.
We need to keep it just about fine,
so that humanity can live on,
even after we all are long gone.

About Democracy,hypocrisy and unity

July 4, 2008 § 10 Comments

I am feeling damn irritated right now.Well might be the fact that my hits are down today,well know i was pissed off even before that,so what is it?Was it the fact that i paid Rs.70 for the 5-6 kms journey from school to home? Or is it because i am seeing a lot of hypocrisy around me?I think that must be it.

So people this is about democracy now.What is democracy?

According to me it is the biggest hypocrisy.Why where do i find people choosing what they want? Why the ‘society’ seems to have its own way.The majority is right,seems to be notion.Democracy is where you can smoke under a no smoking board.democratic nation is one which,people are divided into clusters and galaxies and constellations and lose all sense of nation pride.I have written a few poems on India.Why infact the poem which set me into serious writing was on India.Yet for all i love my country and its heritage,the hypocrisy which i live in between seriously make me wonder is this what we all deserve.Why ,is one religion superior to another? Now when i say religion in India,it means so many things.We have the cine gods,we have the sports idols and we have the political czars.Each one has their own cult.Now that is not a problem,we have influential people right.But the problem is what they do.The word “Secular” in our preamble,comes to my mind.I don’t need to say more.Then we have the problem of corruption.Ha,well now all of us have gone through this isn’t it? Then we have the problem of sharing among states.Then we have the problem of terrorism.then we have the problem of child abuse,then gender inequality,then well if i were to write it would be an endless list but
The problem lies in the fact that,people cannot appreciate their own identity.Now why would i care,about my nation when my window is so small that i only see myself and the cynical world around me? We can write books upon books,article upon article on the pride of our ancient nation,but do the lovely writers of these wonderful books,even know that people who can afford to read these books are very few? Why the masses are a political tool,if you really have faith in what you say,get out and hold the mike and spread the message.You the great economists and artists and writers and what not what else should know that the only way to get people together is by weaving the magic of words.Why you all even go as far to write about Gandhiji ,didn’t he speak ? Didn’t he come out? Why isn’t the pulpit the best place for spreading the message? until you do that,all you have written will be garbage.Your articles/books gets its worth only when you act and when you show.If you all think that we need to spread the message of unity,then get out there and spread the message of unity.The anti-socials have already done it.They infest and harvest young minds faster than our agriculture sector is growing.Soon they might take over us and we will become the anti-social.So get out and get going.

To conclude :

My nation,
is full of fascination.
Yet it needs a little bit of emancipation.
For this we need life to be elevated,
view to be appreciated.
inequality eliminated
and freedom harvested,
faster then we get polluted.
For unity to be forged,
we need to adore,
each other and what ever is our abode,
we need to invent our approach.
For understanding to be reached,
things shouldn’t be preached,
but put to everyone’s reach.
For the sake of our nation,
let us be in unison.
unity will be our strength,
we will not depend,
and we will not bend,
India a nation of a billion.

Door mats and handkerchiefs who serve humanity

June 30, 2008 § 14 Comments

Do we really need to care? What is the use of caring for others anyway? I mean what do i gain? All i ever get by belonging to society is security.For if i didn’t give a damn to things around me,my existence will not be noticed,even if it is,i will be a door mat for people to leave the dirt on.Not that caring gives you anything better,it only makes people see you as a handkerchief rather a door mat.

So what are you a door mat or a handkerchief?

If you are a door mat,you live life in a ‘why should i care?’ delirium always freaking out and just snubbing people and not giving a thought to the fact that the pathetic creature which is facing you has something called “sense” and that you might be hurting it.Now i cannot call these really door mats,for they are made of expensive things,but they still are door mats.All people do at the sight of these is smile,smile and smile,for they cannot do anything else.For they can’t afford to do anything else,they can’t buy them and walk on them and trash them.Their real door mat identity takes the dirt only when they leave.You see once the brand name goes,there is no difference between a Tommy and a road side Tee.People will swear and tear these door mats,even if they don’t feel it then and there.They will feel the rag and rubbish they have taken,someday when they have their faces against the society,stripped and raw and ready to get rubbished.We have another variety of door mats,the not so lucky door mats.These door mats get away with a few things.They all don’t care alright,but then they aren’t all that expensive.So while a few might admire them and their ‘cool’ attitude,dirty shoes are soon bound to stamp them and flatten them.

Then you have the absolute door mats.These require a little more space.Some washing and drying out in the sun will do them good.They have taken the society’s rubbish.In fact for generations they have been taking rubbish.They aren’t door mats because they chose to be,but because the society made them to be.They are door mats because rubbish gives them life,it gives them food.Who has time to care about others when you don’t have food? Not that i have faced this,but then ,even if i skip as meal (a meal and meal only), i become extremely frustrated and cranky. Now to think they have been hungry for generations,naturally they are not going to care.Why what is electricity to them and what are planes to them? These door mats are not happy at being door mats,but then who can help them? For after all they don’t care,neither for the world nor for themselves.We already have enough door mats don’t we?

Then the handkerchiefs.Ha,so you are one? Now while the door mats just take the dirt,handkerchiefs take a heavier load.They take the mucus,the sweat,the tears,the emotions ,the dirt etc.These things get washed more regularily that is the only difference.They get a larger variety of rubbish from within and outside a person.Why all they decided was that to be more kind and empathize , sympathize , care and love.Now surely they deserve better? But no ,all they get are loads and loads and loads of unwanted things.They are supposed to solve all problems.School students make them into soft balls for playing,people sneeze ,people cough,people sweat and a few just carry them around.these things fill into any shoe.For they are scared they will become door mats.They are happy that they live in the pockets and hands of humanity rather than the foot.They are at a higher level,that is all.They suffer for they care.

So if you are either a door mat or a handkerchief you suffer,for the dirt of humanity.Humans sure do pollute a lot.Both door mats and kerchiefs serve their purpose.Now if ever we are going to make humans pollute less,then the door mats and kerchiefs better stop talking their load of dirt.If they do,humans will have to clean up on their own.Who knows,being a lazy race,they might stop being so dirty and see that dirt is not needed.After all they do believe in ‘perfection’ and dirt never reflects cleanliness and perfection does it? Now when you do stop working all you door mats and kerchiefs what will you do?After all you need to engage yourselves into something right? I have an idea,try maintaining your perfection,make your homes more clean and green and well for your food,now that you don’t need to take dirt,take food-fresh,clean and cooked by mother nature.

International day against drug abuse

June 27, 2008 § 12 Comments

Today is international day against drug abuse. Drugs addiction includes from addiction to marijuana to cough syrups.In my school,we received pamphlets from the Narcotics Control Bureau of India.

drugs are one of the major cause crimes and also spread of diseases like HIV. Drug abuse is defined as

Drug abuse has a wide range of definitions related to taking a psychoactive drug or performance enhancing drug for a non-therapeutic or non-medical effect. All of these definitions imply a negative judgement of the drug use in question (compare with the term responsible drug use for alternative views). Some of the drugs most often associated with this term include alcohol, amphetamines, barbiturates, benzodiazepines, cocaine, methaqualone, and opium alkaloids. Use of these drugs may lead to criminal penalty in addition to possible physical, social, and psychological harm, both strongly depending on local jurisdiction.[2] Other definitions of drug abuse fall into four main categories: public health definitions, mass communication and vernacular usage, medical definitions, and political and criminal justice definitions.

From Wikipedia.

Drugs affect our nervous system and also other systems. for example

Cocaine (benzoylmethyl ecgonine) is a crystalline tropane alkaloid that is obtained from the leaves of the coca plant.[5] The name comes from “coca” in addition to the alkaloid suffix -ine, forming cocaine. It is both a stimulant of the central nervous system and an appetite suppressant. Specifically, it is a dopamine reuptake inhibitor, a noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor and a serotonin reuptake inhibitor. Because of the way it affects the mesolimbic reward pathway, cocaine is addictive.

from Wikipedia.

And according to the pamphlet we received:-

So as a society we need to battle against drugs and their use.Doing drugs isn’t going to make you look cool .Nor is it doing you or anyone any good.Sometimes people who are feeling depressed or have been mentally affected by some problems might take to drugs.If someone doesn’t talk with them and help them,then we are setting up a time bomb among us.Also drugs like date rape drug can be used to commit various crimes.Governments do put laws and it is illegal but still drugs are out there.So we need to protect everyone whom we know from drugs.It can be done only through educating people about drugs.And for doing so we need to arm our selves with a lot of self confidence and a unbiased attitude.It is not going to help ,if we are all prejudiced.While i have come across a few addicts,no one whom i know personally is into drugs.

the government of India surely does its part.i don’t know if kids in slums and rural areas get all these pamphlets and talks and seminars but at least they are spreading the message.A few years back we had the anti-tobacco seminars which sure made me confident in talking to people who smoke and telling them not to lite when i am around.

The only way to get these unwanted junk away from our future,is by facing them and killing them.I feel like communicable diseases these too need active “vaccinations” .It is not about the past but about today and tomorrow.

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