Questions and questioning

July 30, 2008 § 12 Comments

questions….questions and more questions…How do we ask so many questions?

Asking Questions is really really easy,isn’t it? Yet it is an art to ask them.You first of need to understand what is either going or not going on first.Why do i say what is going or what not is going on?

When Asking a question in class,you can do it only if you either understand the subject or if you have no clue what is going on(e.g,why sir,is 1*1=1?)Similarly when you are outside you ask questions to people,like what is happening,why is this happening,etc.

So why do we question anyway?We question so that we get to know something more.Simple isn’t it?Yet we human have come up with really weird questions and managed to answer a few of them too.

It isn’t normal for a person to question when something which has always being happening happens.For eg,an apple falling from a tree.What led to one person thinking about it differently? What made him question why it falls and not the moon? So what we need to notice is what he questioned and the way he questioned it.He could have asked why is it falling,answered himself with the age old answer,cause it is supposed too.Well more than me saying ,a quote would help here,so here it is:

“To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle, requires creative imagination and marks real advance in science.”

-Albert Einstein

and another one from him,

“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”

I have written about questioning many times before,but the reason why i am writing again is because i want to see what I think about questioning now.There are times in school,when my friends make fun of me for asking questions.If they want to stop the class,they turn to me and ask me to ask questions.It always makes me wonder how come people can never come with questions.Of course it is not that they are not capable nor am i trying to ridicule them ,but how is it that It is easy for a few to ask questions,while others never have questions?

Questioning is an art.The only ones who can question are the ones who are brave.You need to brave to ask the questions.The answers never come to you like a lighting flash.Once you have asked the question you need to try and understand what is it you want to know.You need to search for the door,which will take you to the answer.Now it is important not to get over whelmed by the question.You need to sleep over it(or well do something else with it) so that the question or problem isn’t as big as it seems.The main problem is that we are all used to seeing things the way they are,so we first need to let our mind see it the way it wants to.To do this,we need to register what we see in our subconscious mind,not that we don’t normally do it,it is always happening,we just need to realize that it is happening.Once your sub has got it,you just need to forget about the problem and let the sub deal with it.When we think on our own,we think about a given problem with our limited knowledge,but our sub has more knowledge,so it is capable of getting things done.Once it is done,it will ping you.

So what happens when you have asked the right question and let your sub on it? Well the answer is simple,more questions.Sometimes questions keep on coming.But that is the beauty of it.As you solve one question another pops up.Maybe it is because we use a very little part of our brain.

Anyway,I will leave you all with a few questions to ponder…

What/who is god? Don’t you think,that it can be a creation of our mind?I.e. a huge illusion,which was conceived by one person and became so popular that everyone fell under it?What do you think might be reality? How have we humans managed to think?Why are we what we are- a thoughtful race(as we think)?What is the universe doing?What are you doing?Why are you here?What are you supposed to be doing?Who are you?what are you?why should we study?How were people a 100 years back?

solutions are created before problems.

What do you think?

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