Happy Children’s Day

November 14, 2009 § 20 Comments

Since blogger’s who are younger than me, don’t seem to exist(put your hands up if you are one) , as a handsome young thing, I want a gift from all my reader’s. Just remember to cross check and make sure you don’t get me the same thing as someone else(you are welcome to discuss the gift in my comment section) 😀

And well all you adults out there(for 24 hrs I am kid), Don’t worry you are still a child, or at least your mom will tell you so. If not you’re a child at heart, you can start crying when someone scolds you. So Happy Children’s Day.

And well it’s supposed to be Nehru’s birthday let’s not forget. So is the Congress Government going to give gifts and hold a party for the entire nation? Why not? Make sweets for the entire nation, maybe for once we all can eat sweets, when there is no food? See you give sweets today and when the kids grow up they will vote for you. That is effective bribing or one for the future.

Quite crude, I guess. But don’t worry, once Rahul become’s our PM, we will have a Teenagers’ day. Yay! Not the one where we can’t sing our national song but the one where our tobacco industry lives only on exports(really bad bad me). But let us not be mistaken, we should have a common language by then. I am planning to invent one.

Goooo goo gaaa giii – that’s happy children’s day. Gaa? Giigeek?

Hmm..What is that a free domain for 100 years?

I thought the world was supposed to end by 2012. Don’t make people richer unnecessarily. And well I am too bugged of working on photoshop for two continuous days, so no banners and yes I think my blog is banned in China *sigh* , so again,

HAPPY CHILDREN’S DAY EVERYONE 🙂 Get yourself a big rose, on my behalf(after you have sent me my gift 😛 ).

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