MY NAME IS RED by ORHAN PAMUK(book review)

July 26, 2010 § 13 Comments

Image from here.

A book is a journey. We feel, we touch and We learn, we admire and at the end of it we are wiser. And this book is a journey worth enduring.

Emotions, love, religion, learning, culture, knowledge,murder and of course miniatures- all form a composite and harmonious image, which makes you think, learn and admire. The story in itself is very simple. But the anecdotes and stories within it, are the colours which form the picture.

The style is exquisite. narrated by different characters, he has explored different ‘perspectives’ of seeing the world. That in itself is ingenious and refreshing. The best of the lot is how he lets us conclude who the murderer is and then merges the murderers voice with the person.

A book which requires you to think and understand. As someone who loves philosophy and epistemology, it is pure joy. Quite the colour you should learn about. The opening sets out the tone. It does take a while to get used to, but then that is expected.

The strength of the female characters is truly admirable. The unique thing about the book- you get to know the characters both through their eyes as well as the way the world looks at them.

No wonder this Book received the Nobel Prize. A must read.

rating:- 10/10(who am I to rate this?)

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