Atlas Shrugged-Ayn Rand.

September 8, 2008 § 20 Comments

This book surely has influenced me.Undiluted and straight forward,it makes you think about so many things.Why feel guilty about your virtues? Why should we give something to someone who doesn’t deserve it?What is the value of money? IS need important or ability?

“Evil is impotent and has no power but that which we let it extort from us.”

“Rationality is the recognition of the fact that nothing can alter the truth and nothing can take precedence over that act of perceiving it.”

The book is about a man who decided to stop the world.Through out history, people of ability have been the ones to be discriminated and been made to feel guilty about ,so the book tried to show where we will be if the “mind” goes on strike.

It is a splendid book.Every word,makes sense and shows us,what we all already know.It shows why we need to have freedom to produce and own things.It also shows you the real value of money.It also shows that there in no contradiction.We need to work for what we need,is the message,here.We cannot live on others and be supported.

What is ours is ours.No one has the right to take away that from us.And love can be shown when we have something to show it to.

There is so much in the book,that it would take posts and posts to tell everything.I know a few of you have read the book,others get it now! It is a big book,alright,but it is worth it! But be ready to think and feel a few of your principles being put to the test of fire,Don’t shrug it away! I will give it a 1000/100 🙂

Ayn Rand,in my new favorite! She has an amazing way to hold you and affect you so much.It is as good a test as a staring match!

P.S: I took those quotes from Divkiran’s blog.There are a few more points which i wanted to write about,but i was already more than a month over due,so had to return the book .Will be getting my own copy soon i think ,though 🙂

photo from here.

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§ 20 Responses to Atlas Shrugged-Ayn Rand.

  • shivya says:

    This book has been lying on my shelf for an eternity now. I better get to it soon. Thanks for the reminder!

  • chirax says:

    Who is John Galt .

    Welcome to the Randian world, now you’ll live a life with a different POV. Only thing which can guide you is rational.

    I started reading it when i read a qoute from Ms. Rand
    The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me.

    Which of the characters you identify most with ?

  • chirax says:

    Also I presume you have already Fountainhead, if not Please do so.

  • Reema says:

    havent read it so no comments!

  • Scietech says:

    I haven’t read this either, but it sounds interesting 😐

  • handmaiden says:

    I have heard so much about Ayn Rand, but never read her. Your enthusiasm for the book has my curiosity up.

    Now I’ll have to read it too.

  • Nita says:

    A very powerful book. I read Fountainhead first, and then the others followed within the year. Its completely mesmerizes you…but I always saw it as fiction with some great ideas and did not get drawn into a cultish admiration of it.

  • Sameera says:

    My curiosity in her books has been roused thanks to some fellow bloggers,and now you have done it too 🙂

    Me still reading Fountainhead.Sigh!

  • matangi says:

    the book left me crippled! 🙂 it surely is one of the most influential books ever written! very powerful.. so powerful tht we begin to question ourselves over our own basic existence!

  • Dinesh Babu says:

    I wanted to read the book, but couldn’t as I had not been able to devote time to it. May be sometime in the future.

  • divkiran says:

    Ayn Rand rocks man… i read fountainhead first and fell in love with her thought process totally!!!

    wt bout u…read nethn else?

  • shiva says:

    Ayn Rand is amazing Vishesh. Hope you liked John Galt’s speech in the book..

    Also try Fountain Head. You’lllove it..

    I have not found such a strong character as Howard Roark in any other books.

  • Aaarti says:

    Hmm, for some reason dint lean towards Ayn Rand’s books.. maybe cos everyone i knew was reading Fountainhead or talking about it.. like the hype around Da Vinci code!!

    but i remember what you said about Atlas.. shall pick it up and give it a shot!!

  • lakshmi says:

    one of the best…i like fountain head as well ..

  • arvind says:

    ok will add it to my queue 😦
    dont know when i will read the umpteen number of books in my queue 😉

  • vishesh says:

    @shiyva: 😀

    @chirag: i haven’t read fountain head…will be soon 😛 John Galt and Anconia

    @reema: 😀

    @raj: read it 🙂

    @handmaiden: 😀

    @nita: i agree.It shows an Idea and we need to learn from it.There are a few thing though which make it all seem real 🙂

    @sameera : lol its a very nice book 😛 read it 😛

    @matangi: i agree! 😀

    @dinesh: 😀

    @divkrian: Am going to read fountain head…this is my first 🙂

    @shiva: will be reading it next…actually the speech was too long 😛 lol 😀 cause it was just a summation .

    @aaarti: 😀

    @lakshmi: 😀 aye,aye!

    @arvind: lol,like me and movies 😛

  • Manasa says:

    Read FOuntain Head by Ayn Rand. Its a great book 🙂

  • Amit says:

    One of the most influential books I have ever read. My number 1. 🙂

  • U sure seem to have a nice choice of books for your age :). I always wanted to read this book. Was just lazy to buy it ;P. Now i guess I’ll grab it.

  • Nelson says:

    It’s an amazing work. Rand incredibly irks socialists and liberals, who will do anything they can to discredit her. Emotionalists find her philosophy cold, self-interest being an absolute crime in their minds, and predictably try to assassinate her character. But her premise is correct. The best way to help others is by being productive yourself. Often, when we think we’re helping another person, we’re really only gratifying ourselves psychologically. Help another person by achieving the highest level of productivity you can achieve, in your own self interest, for your own profit, setting an example. Realize that, unfortunately not everyone will follow, but many will, and you are helping them much more than you would had you given them charity.

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